Features :
- Two file windows side by side
- Multiple language and Unicode support
- Enhanced search function
- Compare files (now with editor) / synchronize directories
- Quick View panel with bitmap display
- ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
- Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support
- Parallel port link, multi-rename tool
- Tabbed interface, regular expressions, history+favorites buttons
- Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced search
- Compare editor, cursor in lister, separate trees, logging, enhanced overwrite dialog etc.
- Unicode names almost everywhere, long names (>259 characters), password manager for ftp and plugins, synchronize empty dirs, 64 bit context menu, quick file filter (Ctrl+S)
- New: USB port connection via special direct transfer cable, partial branch view (Ctrl+Shift+B), and many imporvements to ftp, synchronizing and other functions
- And many more!
How To Install?
- Install the program from the given setup.
- Don’t run the application yet and close from system tray or task manager if running.
- Extract the “Crack Fix.zip” to directory where you’ve installed the program. Replace all the files.
- Run the program always from “tcrun.exe” for 32-bit and “tcrun64.exe” for 64-bit.
- Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions.
- That’s it, Enjoy now

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